Sometimes it appears that although your due date is around the corner (or has passed), there seem to be no sign of going into labor anytime soon.
You might be waiting for your contractions to appear or you water to break, and you are getting increasingly stressed and impatient to finally give birth to your baby.
Doctors usually recommend medical induction, although it has been shown that it does not always work, and it might even put yourself and your baby at risk.
So what to do at this point? I was in the same situation before my baby was born, when a friend of mine recommended that I look into inducing labor with acupressure.
About Labor Acupressure Points Labor acupressure points are specific areas of your body, such as the cervix which can help you to induce labor when pressed correctly.
A recent study found that acupressure to induce labor is successful in 93% of women within 48 hours! Now don't just rush and try to induce labor with acupressure points yourself with no prior training, there are right ways to do it, and you should always seek medical advice to see if you are ready for natural labor induction first.
After my friend's recommendation, I started doing some research and started learning about acupressure to induce labor.
Acupressure is a safe and relatively easy way to induce labor naturally.
This method is used by many women across the world in traditional and modern societies alike: in short, it consists of pressing labor acupressure points with your fingers and thumbs in order to help the cervix to ripen and dilate while directing your baby down the pelvis.
The most obvious benefit of this method is that you will not be putting yourself or your baby at risk.
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