Health & Medical Lose Weight

Hello European Serving Size, Goodbye Dieting

European living revolves around food, family and friends.
So how do European men and women control their weight better than Americans despite this preoccupation with eating? It is quite simply through their serving size at each meal? France is well-known for pastries dripping with sweetness and croissants and rolls lathered with hot buttery goodness.
And who has not salivated over European desserts rich in sugary coatings, or marveled at the French consumption of red wine? But Europeans are also known for their well-maintained weight.
How do they do it? It is all about portion control.
Food portion sizes in France and other European countries are very different from the United States.
A ham sandwich serving size in France for example, consists of a couple of thinly sliced pieces of ham, fresh tomatoes, and spicy mustard on a baguette.
Take this uncomplicated, commonly eaten lunch in France and compare it with a similar (but very different) experience in our own country.
The sandwich from your local deli, has thick, heavy layers of ham, piles of cheese, mayonnaise or special sauces, and thick, hearty, sweet tasting bread! An additional problem for we Americans is that our version of a sandwich also comes with a heaping pile of potato chips or french fried potatoes! When a serving size like this is just for a sandwich it is no wonder that America is leading the world in obesity! The typical European from Sweden in the north to Italy in the south knows how to refuse large portions that make meals larger and more calorific.
They do indulge in decadent desserts and rich food occasionally but they eat smaller portions of everything.
Rather than consume a buttered croissant in one sitting in France, they will have half a croissant or a small, petite portion of a rich dessert.
They understand the importance of portion control and of serving food portions that enable to eat and enjoy but not so much that they gain weight.
Their responsible self-control leads to successful portion control.
By restricting their serving size whenever they eat, Europeans enjoy the benefits of eating any food they want and restricting their calorie intake to avoid gaining weight.
Want to lose weight and keep it off? Consider this approach!

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