Written for people with an interest in psychiatry, Define Crazy is a self published book that narrates a story on how people with psychiatric illness copes with the mundane and real life. Self published author Donna Snyder from Xlibris Publishing tells of a nurse's 20 year-life inside a locked psyched ward. Outlandish proclivities from patients inside the psych ward may be normal but this biography begs to differ from it all.
Every day comes with a new surprise for Donna Snyder when she started working as a member of the nursing staff in VA Medical Center. Through her book, Snyder recounts her experiences from day one until the end of her stay in a psych ward recalling her patients' idiosyncrasies by sharing her encounters with the psychiatrically ill. She narrates how she was able to adjust to a peculiarly new environment. She revisits the years when she uncomplainingly dealt with those who screamed endlessly in the middle of the night, those who created trouble in the ward, and felt empathy for those who met heartbreaking tragedies at a very young age. As she transferred to another psychiatric institution, Snyder carried with her the lessons she got from her experiences and from the people she worked for.
Define Crazy is an enlightening book which exposes the actual setting of psychiatric institutions, and how the government deals with citizens who need help. It asserts that mental illness is not a condition one must be ashamed of; rather, it is a situation that needs proper attention to avoid unwanted incidents.
This Saturday, July 31, 2010, Donny Snyder will be signing copies of her self published book Define Crazy at the Adult Summer Reading Program Library
Union Library, 308 Hawthorne Drive Union, Missouri from 10am to 12noon.
About Donny Snyder
Donna Snyder received her nursing license in 1976 and has practiced nursing since that time. She completed her BSN degree from Webster University1998. She has worked in psychiatric hospitals since 1978. She has worked as Supervisor RNIV at the St. Louis Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, and is currently working in an Acute Psychiatric Unit as a Health Care Professional and Registered Nurse. Additionally, she is President of the Missouri State Nurses Investment Club. Donna lives in St. Louis with her husband, son, and two dogs.
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