Society & Culture & Entertainment Literature

Introduction to Science Fiction Literature

If you think science fiction books [] are not for you, then please read this article. Many people will frown or have their faces take on a disgusted look upon hearing about the topic of SF. Ones I was one of these people.

The mere mention of SF literature, movie or even talk would make me go away. I wasn't at all attracted to the world these words represented. I could in no way relate or even be remotely interested. This is mainly because science fiction is often associated with geeky TV shows or B-series movies. This article has the goal to open a new door into your reader's thoughts, and open up your mind to stories that could, if not change your life, at least give you a rightful amount of pleasure.

The definition of science fiction for me is very wide. From Jules Verne's "20000 Leagues Under The Sea" to Garcia Marquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude". In the middle one may find great heroic tales, parodies in faulty futures or philosophical books such as Herman Hesse's "The Glass Bead Game".

Upon reading the abovementioned author names and titles, you can imagine that I am talking here about a wide description of SF. Any novel containing magical or fictional elements is science fiction to me. Some SF novels do not actually have a lot of them, but the stories happen in a setting that is timeless or future scented. These are science fiction too in my opinion.

The good books generally makes you accept the unreal elements in such a way that they become standard. In other words you accept them and they become almost normal. The real beauty of good SF literature is that you can open the book and totally forget yourself into the story.

The main way to start selecting good books is by reading recommendations and follow your instincts. By reading recommendations as on Amazon, Abe Books or other book websites you can have a first taste of the story and the settings.

But beware of the main chunk of written material that is not worth a milisecond of your time. There are just to many good books to bother with the mediocre ones.

There are many different genres of science fiction writings. Some stories could even be argued to belong to many genres or to none. To help you in identifying the right books for you I will describe some of my favorite ones. Next to the genre description are the "crème de la crème" or the best books available in that particular style.

Space Opera's are stories happening in grandiose sceneries with many subcultures all having somwhere related plotlines and.

The best books in this group are Frank Herbert's "Dune" (only the first one) and Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" trilogy. Ones you have read these two, you have had the best there is.

The second genre is Psychological science fiction. That doesn't necessarily involve any shrinks. It just means that these books have sometimes unexpected twists to them related to psychologocal aspects of the charachters.

For this genre I would recommend the master Philip K. Dick in general. More specifically I would recommend "A scanner Darkly" and "Ubik"; but the majority of his works is often amazing.

A last but often underestimated genre is Comical or Parody SF. A lot of good SF books have witty and waggish personaes. But some books jsut make the difference. They are able to make you laugh just by thinking about them.

As a recommendation I would say that Kurt Voneegut's novels are great. In particular the most famous novels such as "Cat's Cradle". Another unmissable author is Douglas Adams. Grab any word written by this man.

As a conclusion if you still think science fiction books are not for you, then read this article and grab a book!

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