At Rodi’s, Rex tells Gigi he thinks his first Father-Son Sex Talk was a success. Wes hangs up the phone from a conversation with Marty and turns to find McBain glaring at him. Office Sahid and other patrons are craning their necks to see what happens next. When John gets to the table, he reports that Marty’s shacking up with his hired help. Gigi asks Wes how Brody’s doing and he tells her of the vet’s hallucinations.
Bo joins Rex, drinks Rex’s half beer so Rex orders another. The commish tells him of Matthew’s escapades with the pot. “Keep ‘em coming!” Balsom shouts to the waiter. Bo is still in disbelief that his son even considered trying pot. Rex laughs it off saying that surely the commish tried it at some point in his life. When it’s apparent straight-faced Bo never did, Rex regroups and quietly says, “Me neither.”
At the health club, Antonio tries to get Cris to realize he’s made a mistake with the fraudulent marriage to Vanessa. The detective reminds his young brother of Ray’s accusations of Vanessa setting him up. Cris thinks he has feelings for the Latino woman.
Across town at Cris’s apartment, Lola quizzes her step-mom if she had anything to do with Sarah leaving town. Vanessa bats her brown eyes and claims that Cris is just trying to help them from being deported. She has no other intentions. Lola leaves to meet Langston for a sleepover at her cousin’s. When Cris arrives back home, Vanessa apologizes for him having to lie to immigration.
He tells her it wasn’t a lie and they lock lips. Half clothed they start their lovemaking session.
Nearby at the diner, Tea is communicating happenings with Ray via her cell phone. She gleefully watches as Langston and Marko open a letter from Ray. “All is going according to plan,” the attorney reports. Langston reads the letter aloud. Ray’s apologizing for hurting her through his scheme with Clint. He asks her to watch over Lola. Marko is skeptical about the letter. When Lola joins them, Langston shares the letter saying Vanessa’s not what she seems and to “find someone else.” Tea joins them and apologizes for grilling the girl the other day. She gives Lola her card and politely leaves.
At the Angel Square Hotel, Roxy drills Blair about the fight she and John had. The bleached blonde feels Blair won the first round over Marty. Ms. Manning doesn’t want to discuss her love life. Balsom blurts out that Floyd would say it’s “because she wants the guy for herself.” Blair corrects her and says it’s Freud! “No, no… Bitsy Floyd at the salon!” retorts Roxy.
Meanwhile at St. Ann’s, Jessica probes Brody about his recent sighting of the Iraqi boy. The boy stares back at the vet. He told me “It’s a lie,” reports Lovett. While Brody is off taking his meds, Jessica sees Tess holding Chloe. “It’s a lie,” Tess says.
Back at Rodi’s, Antonio joins his girlfriend. She is amazed when her beau reports his meeting with Cris. For someone who risked his life saving Sarah from going over the falls, she is shocked at his latest behavior. Rex assures the commish that finding one joint doesn’t mean Matthew’s a pothead and not to pressure the boy to squeal on his friends then tells him about his Father-Son Sex Talk with Shane. Bo’s pleased that Balsom’s taking his father role seriously. Blair has arrived at Rodi’s and overhears a discussion about Wes shacking up with Marty. She intently listens.
Brody rejoins Jessica and she tells him of her sighting of Tess. He suggests she return to the cottage where the birth took place and see if she can remember what happened. She agrees.
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