Try your best to get rid of the most microscopic of insects that are the key triggers to an attack.
Protect your mattress and pillows from them by enclosing them in washable covers.
Make sure all sheets are washed in hot water every week.
Carpets accumulate plenty of dust which is difficult to collect even if vacuumed regularly.
Therefore, it's best to make do with bare floors.
Go for simple window curtains that can be laundered frequently instead of heavy drapes.
An asthmatic had better use a mask while cleaning and try to use a vacuum cleaner or damp cloth while at it.
It's also advised to keep an air purifier indoors to keep maximum dust away.
Take a look at some of the tried and tested home concoctions to keep asthma at bay:
- Make a mixture of mustard oil and camphor which can be massaged over the patient's chest to loosen the phlegm accumulated within.
This will eventually help in better breathing. - Drinking a solution made with 1 tsp honey dissolved in very hot water will again help to eliminate phlegm and clear the airways.
- One of the most effective ways of easing an asthma attack is to take a steam inhalation of essential oils like eucalyptus or lavender oil.
- It's best to avoid all sorts of fermented foods including cheese.
- Mixing gooseberry (5gms) with a tablespoon of honey will do wonders for asthma.
Remember to wash yourself and your clothes after an outdoor trip to free yourself from pollen dust.