Without knowing, did you take for granted your significant other without being aware of this? Did you take for granted how he or she may have brought you lunch, made you dinner, paid you complements when you least expected them etc...
And now you want your ex back.
Because now you realize you had a good thing and let it go.
The Spanish have a name for this, "estupido".
You get the idea.
So are you sitting there now all depressed and bummed out.
Do not do anything stupid ok, we are only human.
And we humans make mistakes.
But would you not like to reverse this situation of, " I want my ex back," too, "I have my ex back".
Is this what would make you happy? Are you willing to make some compromises and changes to acknowledge certain benefits of the past relationship.
All I am trying to say here is, are you big enough to admit to yourself and the ex, that you screwed up and are willing to make some positive changes.
If not, then do not play head games with your ex, and just get on with your self-centered life.
For true happiness in a relationship, requires the significant other to be happy also.
Would you not agree? So if you really want your ex back, you need to examine the past, for the benefit of the future.
You see, if life were easy, than everyone would be doing it, guess what, life is easy, we just tend to complicate it.
So in order to get back with your ex, keep it simple and straight forward and it should all work out.
You both deserve to be happy.
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