During early September 2013, the British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) released its housing forecast figures for the financial third quarter.
Residential homes in the region are expected to see sales increase by 3.
9% before increasing another 6.
1% during 2014.
Real estate sales in Vancouver have seen 70,300 units sold this year and next year's figure is expected to go past the 74,000 mark meaning it should peak above the five-year average figure, but still some way to go until it peaks above the 10-year average of 84,600.
But that said the recovery seems underway in Vancouver and anyone looking to sell in 2013 and into the following year should be very much encouraged by these forecasts and figures.
It shows that there is a steady market and buyers are now seeing the confidence that purchasing now could give them good gains on property they may want to sell on in the next few years.
If we take the clock all the way back to good old days of 2005 when a staggering 106,300 sales were seen that year, we realise that there is still a very long way to go to get to where we once were.
The effort to get back to the days when there was a boom, like in 2005, has to rely on employment rising.
In 2012 Vancouver saw a marked pull back in consumer demand, perhaps it was a lack in confidence or a fear that another boom could return another double dip housing market recession, but 2013 has certainly seen the pendulum swing back the other way once more.
In the Lower Mainland area, market conditions have become very balanced because of a stronger than expected decline in the amount of homes being built.
This factor helps house prices to balance out more evenly with CPI (Consumer Price Inflation).
Vancouver, like many other Canadian cities, sees a decline in housing activity in the month of August.
This is often because sellers (and buyers) take a vacation to grab those final few days of summer before the onset of the cold fall and winter.
Vancouver however enjoyed a particularly vibrant month this year round.
A similar boom in sales was also seen in another Canadian city of Toronto.
It's difficult to say whether this is a blip or a possible light at the end of the tunnel for the real estate market across the nation.
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