- 1). Access the VitalChek online government document ordering website to order your New York birth certificate from Massachusetts. Follow the directions on the website and provide all the necessary documentation. Pay the necessary fees.
- 2). Order your New York birth certificate by mail. Fill out a birth certificate mail-in application form. Mail the application, a copy of the necessary identification and a check for $30 (for each copy) to:
New York State Department of Health
Vital Records Section
Certification Unit
P.O. Box 2602
Albany, NY 12220-2602
Required copies of identification include one photo ID or two forms of address verification. To receive a mail-in application form by mail, send a request to the address above. - 3). Call VitalChek toll-free at 1 (877) 854-4481 to order by phone. Have your identification information ready before calling. Pay the necessary fees.
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