Telepathy Requires a Mental Receiver and a Mental Sender, Which Are You?
Using telepathy is not about intruding into someone's head. Our thoughts are private and cannot be stolen by others. But, your thought patterns can be tapped into if you are transmitting signals (consciously or unconsciously) to be intuitively heard.
For telepathy to work there needs to be two participants, a receiver and a sender. Some people are better receivers, while others are better at sending messages.
I knew a woman who would send out mental messages to friends and relatives whenever she wanted to talk to them. You're probably thinking it would have been easier for her to just pick up the phone and call the person she wanted to communicate with. And you would be right. But, she did this because she was living on a tight budget and could not afford a costly phone bill. When she answered the ringing phone she would say something like, "I'm so glad to hear your voice. What a coincidence, I was thinking about you this morning." But, she knew receiving that phone call was no coincidence, because it was she herself who had actually made the first contact, a telepathic communication.
My husband and I, as many couples who have established strong relationships will, often are able to finish each other's sentences. I believe this occurs primarily from knowing one another's habits over the years but do wonder if telepathy plays more than a minor role in this happening.
An Interesting Telepathy Experiment
Husband and wife team (artist Christine Ayla and digital photographer John Morris) came up with the idea for a rather interesting art project to work on together. Their project involved sending and receiving telepathic messages. John took on the role of "telepathic sender" and Christine acted as the "telepathic receiver." John sits at a table while focusing on a singular thought for a period of seven minutes. Sitting across the table from her husband, Christine attempts to intuit and record John's thought transmissions by drawing them. Each of their sessions along with the resulting art drawings (over sixty) have been documented and have been displayed in various art exhibits.
The Maryland Institute College of Art hosted The Telepathy Drawings January 27th through March 10th, 2010. As part of the exhibit a Telepathy Table was set up for visitors to experience telepathy sessions and creating their own art drawings. You can view some pre-exhibit photos at John and Christine's Blog
This sounds like a lot of fun! Combining art and telepathy could be an interesting way to experiment with not only your intuitive nature, but also your creative side. I'd like to try it myself sometime. I'm generally better at receiving telepathic messages than sending, My bigger problem would likely be that I am really not talented at drawing.
Chatroom Telepathy
This telepathy project reminds me of when I was in a psychic chatroom several years ago. As I recall there were around seven or so people in the chatroom. We decided it might be fun to experiment with telepathy as a group. One person was designated as the sender who was supposed to focus on an object. After a few minutes the rest of us each posted what we felt the object might be. I visualized a cotton ball but posted only the word "cotton" as my response. After I found out what the object was I wanted to kick myself for not posting "cotton ball." Although the object was actually a small duck. But here's the thing. It was a duck the sender's grandchild had made as a school craft project. The duck was made from two cotton balls glued together. The sender said she was focusing on the word duck while looking at it. I thought I did pretty good with my guess/answer. But no one else seemed very impressed. No one guessed it was a duck either.
Healing Lesson of the Day: January 19 |January 20 | January 21