I know this might sound like a surprise to you, but you probably already have a six pack and don't even know it.
I know this might sound strange to you.
After all, you're reading this article because you want to get a nice six pack.
Just because I am telling you that you have a six pack, doesn't mean you can see it.
We all have the same muscles that make up our body.
Some people have larger muscles than others.
Some people have smaller muscles on average.
This doesn't mean that you don't have them.
The good news is everyone that wants a six-pack can get one.
Right now there is probably a layer of fat that is covering your abs.
This is preventing the muscle from showing.
Obviously the lower the body fat percentage you have the better you'll be able to see your six pack.
This is the same for any muscle group.
You can start your six pack journey today just by grabbing a fork.
There is a saying that abs are made in the kitchen.
This is very true.
It doesn't matter what type of exercise you do, if there is that stubborn layer of fat covering your abdominal region you won't be able to see them no matter how big they are.
So this means you need to start watching your diet today.
This doesn't mean you have to immediately go out and buy a whole bunch of healthy food.
This does mean that you need to start refusing certain foods.
When you go get your sub sandwich, refuse the chips that come with it.
Don't get dessert after a meal.
Watch how big of portions you're eating.
By following these simple steps you'll easily be on the road to losing 5-10 pounds in a short amount of time.
This is great considering you're not even exercising yet.
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