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How To Get Ready For Cataclysm

Made full of gold is huge. What has been said before and will be again, little matter what I say in this article, the currency is King. While many other things are good to do, and perhaps important, everything can change in the release of Cataclysm, so somethings may be wrong, however, gold can still help you. How much gold if you have? The more will be the best, but since gold is so easy to get and many high-level objects goes 10,000 of gold currently in the House of sales, I would say storage at least 20,000 gold. This can be done quite easily in just a few weeks to get cracking!Make a spring cleaning - I know that it is already falling for rift platinum , but in advance. When was the last time you really use all of this old equipment sitting in your bank? Are you really intend to use everything that leather or ore sitting there? Probably step in order to get rid of. Sell everything and it will help you're your storage of gold. There are only a few things I really hooked to suggest. They are all that can be used with any of your professions, which are items that can give you skill points as soon as the skill CAP is raised, enchantments, potions, elixirs, etc that will help you while upgrade items, and one of which will be used for leveling.

Max your profession skills - if you don't have all your professions at max, get off your lazy butt and do it. You do not want to go to the new area, find a large model and must return to the farm of old materials at the level of your profession to be able to use it. Get all this than now.Prepare more with your out of specification - when the extension initiated, you will again be grading, to make it as pleasant as possible, you should get your leveling spec configuration. This means that you should focus on getting as many elements as possible to any spec you plan leveling under. For DPS players, it is not a huge problem of wow gold cheap , but for tanks and healers that it can be. Looking at the versions of talents and to get used to playing that you plan to use can help, but since so much usually changes with the construction of an extension be too put not on what you think of the building can do, he will more than likely change.

Finish preparing - if you need equipment for your main and off-spec, high-level finish now. Last raid in WotLK is still on its way if you still have time and there are still some elements upgrade for most players to get. Then what a set doesn't have to be perfect, because articles will be replaced, it should still be a good series. Remember that many objects of the Sunwell have not been replaced by players until they begin to pillage in WotLK. This means that, in all likelihood current objects of Endgame raid will not be replaced until what you get in the raids at level 85 in your other materials of high-end profession Cataclysm.Sell - remember when each extension or patch major is released and new high level objects are released from the decrease in the value old those significantly. Sell them all now, other that what you need for you will enchant your own!

Pass your badges - as soon as the new extension will be there of cheapest wow gold , none of the old items will be worth as much as they will be much lower than the new max objects. Therefore, badge award items will be almost useless as soon as you start grading. Pass your badges now and also get objects that will help you level in the expansion or simply take a few orbs or precious stones to sell gold. Anyway, get rid of them as soon as find a group or a Guild of level - if you are looking to start over at level 1 which is essential, and even if you go just 80-85 it might be important. Most guilds will not in RAID for at least a month or two, so if you're not in a Guild raid hard core, then it may be time to find a friendly leveling Guild to help through the content faster.

Form a group Progression - many players focus on only one thing in WoW and it's progress. If you are one of those players, then start to get motivated and ready now. Start the advance. In fact, many groups have already started. Plan types of classes you need and in what numbers, what kind of players you get with this time, are fine with everyone, and much more. If you can come up with a group of 10-12 players as spirit of 10 human or raiding 25 man raids 28-30, you can be and raids in the few weeks of the release of the extension. They could be members of a Guild, or just a group of friends from different corporations. This leads to the next point... Get any character you need to this group in Cataclysm 80 - although this seems obvious, many of us have yet SwA kicking around what we want to play at the end of the game that are still slots 80 levels. Your current principal may not be the character that will be necessary for your group new progress. If this is not the case, start working on leveling and he is now preparing.

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