Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Better Decision Making - What Decision Are You Trying to Make?

Part 3 of a series:In the first two articles we've stated that a decision is something you do when the answer doesn't present itself.
In addition, we talked about the components of a "good" decision: one that doesn't lead to buyer's remorse right after the decision is made and executed.
As simple as it may seem, the very first question you must ask when the answer is no where to be found is.
"What decision am I trying to make?"How many times in your life, perhaps in a group of your friends, found yourself arguing some deep questions when someone blurted out, "Wait, what are we trying to decide here?"Yes - that's the question!That's the decision.
Clear definition of the decision question is the first step leading to the best answer.
For purposes of asking the right first question in your decision analysis the key is to understand to what level you are trying to decide.
Level in this case defines the constraints of the question, and therefore the potential alternatives or solutions.
Let's take an example.
Bob graduated from college and moved to a new city and a new job.
He has to get to work Monday morning so he needs a new car.
He now has to decide which car to buy.
Or does he? In our example Bob has made a pretty big investment already by deciding to take his job in a new city, and where to live in this city.
Clearly he may have chosen another city, or to live in the building across the street from his new job.
Either choice may have meant he really didn't need a new car.
The choices he's made thus far have started to constrain his options - but maybe not as far as Bob thinks.
But here Bob sits needing transportation to work and he's jumped to needing a new car.
What Bob may really need is a way to work.
Are there other options he's willing to consider if that were in fact is one and only need?How about walking or riding a bike?Is there a train or bus service near by?Or how about a neighbor willing to car pool for coffee and donuts?These are all options to Bob.
If the level of the decision, the question asked is, "How do I get to work on Monday?" the options grow.
If Bob decides for another reason that a new car is the only path forward, then the options boil down to which new car to buy.
Taking our example one step further and questioning Bob's level of decision there are other questions we can ask.
Does it have to be a new car?Does it have to be a car at all; how about a truck or a motorcycle?Now the question from one of Bob's friends, "What are we trying to decide here!"Exactly! This is the level of the decision and the necessary first step.
BE CLEAR - this is not an optional step as you do this whether you want to or not.
Just accepting you have a decision to make (i.
no answer lying around to help you out!), means you now have to determine the level of that decision.
"Which new car" is a very different level of decision than "How do I get to work on Monday?"With little or no thinking at all you've opened up or closed off many potential solutions.
Determining the level of decision is critical and perhaps the most important tool in your decision process.
A well stated question can save you time by limiting your alternatives from solutions you'd never accept.
It can open up your alternatives to solutions you might not have otherwise thought about or considered.
There is no right answer to level of decision; only the best level for your particular decision.
Practice using the process with simple examples and the more complicated examples will become much easier.
We've determined a decision is required and after much consideration have boiled it down to a clear decision question at the right "level".
In our next article we'll discuss the factors that are used to evaluate the alternatives, leading to the best decision.

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