This is the main reason behind the 95% failures of new bloggers and AdSense publishers because they start their blog to make money online with Google AdSense with the concept of quick rich formula in mind.
However, it's not too hard to reach the goal of getting AdSense check of decent amount every month if you follow these guidelines and wait for the results.
Setup a blog, apply for the Google AdSense account and once approved, put the AdSense ads on your blog.
This is not done yet, it was only the first step of your AdSense blogging business journey.
Soon after you monetize your blog with AdSense ads, you should start working on following 5 things to get success with Google AdSense.
- Right Ads for the Right Audience.
I mean the ads being displayed on your blog must be highly relative to your content and your blog niche.
How ever if you fail to do so, you will not only loss in your AdSense earnings, but it will also result in bad readers experience, for example if you will see Google AdSense ad about "best pregnancy tips" here on this page, you will think that what this ad is doing here and you might also doubt about the quality of this blog, right?I know, the ads are displayed by Google AdSense script and you do not have control on it, but wrong ads may also result from wrong or less keyword optimization.
Similarly you can make AdSense to display highly relative ads by optimizing your content around your main keyword to improve the chances of being clicked by visitors. - Right Location of the AdSense on Your Page: This is another most important factor of Google AdSense optimization.
The location is important because if it is not able to catch the eyes of visitors, how it can get clicked? Most suitable location for ads is some where near the title of your page and some where in between the content it self.
You can also put AdSense text links near navigation or vertical ad blocks in sidebar also.
Never put it in footer of the site, as most of your visitor will not even scroll your page till the footer where your ads reside.
All ads must be visible without the need of scrolling the page.