At a time when the US is trying to reduce its nuclear weapon arsenal, it appears the rest of the world is trying to start their own.
Yes, every nation goes through learning curves, but our learning curve almost ended in a nuclear exchange a number of times between us and Russia.
What's happening now with Nuclear Weapons technology in Iran is much more serious than we have been led to believe by those doing the negotiation and the media covering their political rhetoric.
Yes, those are tough words, but let me explain.
Indeed, I was watching a rather troubling C-SPAN panel discussion on Foreign Policy in 2014 with David Sanger as the moderator.
One of the questions was asked if the US-Saudi relation was as troubled as the media has made it out to be, specifically BBC, CNN, UN, New York Times, RT, and Al Jazeera reports.
The answer was that there were issues, but they were not deal breakers because at the end of the day Saudi Arabia needs the US and the US needs that low-cost Sweet Crude Oil.
It was also noted that Saudi Arabia had given $25 Billion in Foreign Aid to Lebanon, Yemen, Pakistan and a couple of other nations in the overall region bordering or near their nation - this dwarfs the amount the US has given in the same area to the same countries.
This money allows Saudi Arabia a tremendous amount of soft-power, and the US is losing its power in the region, leaving a vacuum.
The panel did not discuss China's deal with Pakistan to build more nuclear power plants, but that would help Pakistan develop more nuclear weapons much faster, troubling the balance of absolute power with regards to nuclear weapons between India and Pakistan.
Over the past few years I've written a huge number of articles on the future potential eventuality that we will soon enter the age of nuclear terrorism, for several reasons really; Iran's proxy terrorist support and the fact that they have or will soon have a nuclear weapons device of sometime to test and detonate.
Another unfortunate outcome of a nuclear weaponized Iran would be a complete nuclear arms race in the region.
Meaning Saudi Arabia will demand a nuclear arsenal, and the entire Arab League will follow, along with a new government or current regime in Syria depending on the outcome of that conflict.
In that panel discussion one of the $64 million questions was ask; Is Saudi Arabia working on a deal to get a nuclear bomb from Pakistan? One of the panelists re-defined the question with another question; did Saudi Arabia already make the deal for a nuclear bomb with Pakistan? After all, Pakistan has been one of the largest proliferators of nuclear weapon technology over the last 25-years, and now with this new money exchange from Saudi Arabia, that is easily within the realm of possibilities.
So, let me ask once again, also the title of this article; "Did Saudi Arabia Preempt Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program By Buying Nuclear Bombs from Pakistan.
" Ouch! This would mean a new nuclear arms race in a very turbulent region has now blossomed and the cat is totally out of the bag now.
Please consider all this and think on it.
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