Law & Legal & Attorney Military

How to Prepare For Boot Camp - Survival Tips

Without a doubt, the Marine boot camp is one of the most challenging programs not only physically but also mentally.
It will truly measure your limits.
The physical standards are much higher and you are also tasked to master an overwhelming amount of information which means that if you're not smart enough, you can't survive the training.
There are more than 70 training days and in these days, you would face a lot of challenges.
You have to learn how to prepare for boot camp so you'll have higher chances of succeeding.
One of the most important things on how to prepare for boot camp is by being physically fit.
One advantage of being in your top shape when entering the Marine boot camp is that you don't have to deal with the 3 conditions.
Know the minimum and maximum weight before you sign up for the training otherwise you will be put in the PCP (Physical Conditioning Platoon) for a longer period of time.
Look for a workout routine that's designed for Marine training.
You should be able to do 3 pull ups, 40 sit ups in 2 minutes easily and run 3 miles in 28 minutes as well.
If you arrive overweight at the Marine boot camp, your drill instructor would have to put you on a strict diet.
Since the name itself implicates it-Marine, you should know how to swim.
If you do not know how, it's mandatory that you learn before you enter the training camp because before they will let you graduate, you have to prove that you have basic swimming skills.
I mentioned mental abilities earlier and by that you should be comfortable mastering the USMC Rank, Marine's Hymn and 11 General Orders for a Sentry.
Also, it wouldn't hurt if you know the Marine Corps History and Marine Rifle Creed.
You think that's it? Of course not! You also have to memorize the USMC Core Values, M16A4 Rifle characteristics and the Code of Conduct.
There are a lot of resources online on how to prepare for boot camp.
Do a lot of reading and ask around for tips and advice.
Your recruiter needs to provide as much information as he can to help you survive the basic training.

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