Law & Legal & Attorney Copyrights

How to Do Endnotes in APA

  • 1). Consult with your professor about specific guidelines she may have, such as whether you should also use content notes. Presented as either endnotes or foonotes, content notes provide more information than just the facts of publication. You might use a content note to comment at length about the material being referenced. Identification notes provide either biographical or contact information for an author. Copyright notes are used when your paper includes a graphic or chart that shows you obtained permission to reproduce it within your work. Unlike footnotes and endnotes, copyright notes are placed along with the chart or graphic used, usually below it.

  • 2). Place a superscript numeral immediately after the punctuation mark of the statement you wish to cite in the endnote. Your word-processing program will automatically place these numerals in consecutive order (1,2,3, etc.) to correspond with each endnote.

  • 3). Place the endnotes at the end of the document instead of at the end of each page, as is the case with footnotes. APA format requires that footnotes be placed at the bottom of the page on which the material being cited has been printed. Endnotes, by contrast, belong at the end of the document, but before the resources page. The style will differ according to whether you are citing a book, an interview, a journal article or material from other media. Consult the "APA Style Guide" for specific details about each situation.

  • 4). Enter a content note or supplemental information following the citation if that is the purpose of your endnote or footnote. Be brief but precise, including only what you feel needs to be explained.

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