- 1). Use your Sim's lifetime rewards points to purchase the ReNuYu Senso Orb from the Rewards tab. This item costs 6,250 points.
- 2). Left-click on the ReNuYu Senso Orb. This will bring up the radial menu.
- 3). Select "Reprogram Self."
- 4). Select a new aspiration. Changing a Sim's aspiration will change its Life Goal. If you have the "Nightlife" expansion pack installed, you can also change turn-ons and turn-offs. The Senso Orb can be used five times before it is exhausted. You can always purchase a new Orb with additional rewards points if and when your first Orb is exhausted.
- 1). Download More Awesome Than You's College Clock mod. This mod works with all expansion packs from "University" on. You must have at least the "University" expansion installed to use it.
- 2). Move the upzipped "College Clock" folder to your "Sims 2" downloads folder, usually "My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/Downloads." If you've never installed a mod before, you may have to create this folder. To do so, right-click in the "The Sims 2" folder and select "New Folder." Name this folder "Downloads".
- 3). When the game starts, it will ask you to enable user-generated content. Select "Enable custom content" and click the "Check Mark" button.
- 4). Purchase the College Clock from the "Miscellaneous" tab in Buy mode. It costs five simoleans.
- 5). Left-click on the College Clock to bring up the radial menu.
- 6). Select "My LTW is Lame" from the radial menu. This will change your lifetime want to another option from the same aspiration category.
- 1). Press "Control," "Shift" and the letter "C" at the same time to bring up the command console.
- 2). Type "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" and hit "Enter."
- 3). Hold down "Shift" while left-clicking on the desired Sim.
- 4). Select "Spawn" from the radial menu. On the "Spawn" radial menu, select "Sim Modder." You may have to select "More" to see the rest of the options if the Sim Modder does not come up in the first group of Spawn options. Selecting Sim Modder will generate a baby-shaped item.
- 5). Left-click on the baby-shaped item to bring up an item menu.
- 6). Select "Wants and Fears" and then "Lifetime" from the radial menus.
- 7). Select one of the three options in the "Lifetime" menu. Normal Recalc will reroll your Sim's wants and fears, as well as its life goal based on the aspiration your Sim has. "Cycle Wants for Current Aspiration" will change your Sim's life goal to the next option for that aspiration category. It runs through the options in order. "Cycle Through All Lifetime Wants" will change your Sim's Life Goal to the next in the series of all available Life Goals, not just those available for your Sim's current Aspiration category.