Starting out in the network marketing business can be tough.
Most people have no idea how to market their business to others and quit when they don't make any progress after a couple of months.
The key to success is having a step by step system of network marketing lead generation, that will show and help them market their opportunity to other home based business seekers.
A system that is duplicatable so your new distributors can learn just as you did and repeat the process.
Every successful network marketer needs two things: A great system and great tools.
If you have these two key ingredients and a leader to show you how to be successful with the system, there is no reason you too can't achieve great wealth by working from home.
Once you have your network marketing lead generation setup, you will quickly realize, you can't make hundreds or thousands of presentations a day, but tools can.
Tools like a lead capture page can make a presentation for you as many times a day as needed without you lifting a finger to make it happen each time.
Once you initially setup your capture page, it will do it's job each and every time someone lands on your site.
You can't send an email to thousands of people every day for weeks or months, but tools can.
Tools like an autoresponder can.
An autoresponder is a email program that is specifically designed to store a list of people wanting more information from you.
You can write an email once and have it sent to everyone on your list (no matter how many people that is).
That email can even be sent in the middle of the night when your fast asleep.
You can't train hundreds of people how to use the tools properly to have seam busting growth in their business, but a system can.
A good system can help you make sure your tools are performing at their best.
A good system will also have in place automatic training aids for your new team members.
This means you can still focus on building your own business without having to focus all of your time on training and hand holding.