Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Prostate Cancer Detection and the Improved Treatments

Prostate cancer detection techniques and technologies are constantly evolving to ensure that cancer is always caught as early as possible and that the most effective, successful treatments are used. Presently, even with the advancements, many of the best testing techniques for detection are the ones that have been in place the longest but with the greater technology, such as MRI guided biopsy and Prostate Specific Antigen, prostate cancer detection is much simpler and effective.

Even with the improvements, however, prostate cancer side effects far too often lead men away from submitting to early prostate cancer detection; completely defeating the gains made by doctors and researchers in combating the disease. The longer men wait to get themselves checked the faster the cancer spreads to other organs within the body.

Fortunately, due to extensive research, new treatments have become available to those suffering at all stages. Prostate cancer hormone treatment has become an option for many patients, those about to undergo the start of radiation to those where the cancer has spread beyond the prostate gland and surgery is no longer an option. Prostate cancer hormone treatment is not a cure but instead works inside the body to reduce the levels of testosterone produced in the testicles, of which prostate cancer cells grow off of. These treatments have typically been conducted in a number of ways from chemical injections into the scrotum that shrinks the testicles or permanently stops their production to removing the testicles all together.

Though the hormone treatment has been greatly successful in slowing the growth of prostate cancer cells the treatment does not come without many side effects. The prostate cancer side effects that have been linked through studies to the hormone treatment have been: decreased energy, impotence, hot flashes, depression and even increased risk of heart disease, among others. Not every study has concluded the onset of these side effects after treatment, and research is continually being conducted to eliminate the side effects from the treatment all together, but all have concluded the effectiveness of undergoing these procedures.

Detection and treatment have traveled a long way to reach their present levels of effectiveness but there is still a long journey ahead; one that will ultimately lead to the eradication of prostate cancer. However, for now it is important to focus on making people aware of the symptoms of the disease and how to get it properly treated. Studies and trials will continue to perfect treatments in the hopes of eliminating side effects and eventually the disease altogether.

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