- 1). Add a small amount of gravel to bottom of a planting pot so soil cannot wash out of holes and muddy the pond water. Planting containers for water garden plants do not need drainage holes. However, if you use a pot with no drainage holes, the water level cannot drop below the top of the pot or the pot can dry out killing the water plant.
- 2). Fill container halfway with potting medium that contains lots of clay. Commercially available aquatic planting medium contains clay particles that are dry and easy to use.
- 3). Place roots of plant in the planting medium, adding water and more planting medium until filled, leaving enough room to cover top of soil with pebbles or gravel.
- 4). Cover surface of soil in container with enough pebbles or gravel to prevent soil from washing out when pot is submerged.
- 5). Slowly submerge pots to the proper depth in garden pond.
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