Society & Culture & Entertainment Other - Entertainment

Richard and Jones

Juliet, Sawyer, and Locke have Others, Jones and Cunningham captured. When they begin talking in Latin, Juliet speaks to them in Latin. She tells them to take her to their camp. She asks if Richard Alpert is there. Cunningham begins to tell her where the camp is, but Jones breaks his neck and then runs off.

Locke tracks Jones to their camp. Sawyer says they need to free Daniel, but Locke says he's going to talk to Richard.

Daniel, Charlotte, and Miles make it to the creek, but are attacked by Others after a landmine kills the other two people who were with them. Miles says that Daniel is their leader and the woman who seems to be in charge, Ellie, asks where the rest of their people are, but Daniel won't tell her.

Ellie takes them to Richard. On their way to the camp, Miles tells Daniel that they just walked over a fresh grave of four U.S. soldiers. He says that three were shot, but one died of radiation poisoning.

Daniel tells Richard that he can disarm the hydrogen bomb on the island. Richard wonders why he should believe that Daniel will disarm the bomb instead of set it off on some suicide mission. Daniel says he loves Charlotte and he would never do anything to hurt her.

Richard sends Daniel out to the bomb with Ellie. Daniel examines the bomb and notices it has a leak. He tells Ellie that they need to cover the leak with lead and then bury the bomb.

Locke goes into the Others camp and yells for Richard Alpert.

Richard comes out and Locke introduces himself. Richard asks if that's supposed to mean something. Locke says that Jacob sent him and Richard tells Jones to put the gun down, only he calls him Widmore.

Locke says, "Widmore? Charles Widmore?"

Later, Locke gives Richard the compass and asks him how to get off the island. Before Richard can tell him, there is a flash and Richard and the camp disappear.

Sawyer and Juliet save Daniel from Ellie and then there is a flash and the camp disappears. Charlotte falls to the ground, her nose bleeding.

Nestor Carbonell as Richard Alpert
Tom Connolly as Jones

Episode 5x3, Jughead

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