Travel & Places Skiing

Tired of Skiing with Cold Feet

One of the biggest complaints I hear from skiers is that they have cold feet. Let's face it ski boots are not made for comfort. On cold days even if you have a properly fitted boot, you will be going in to warm your feet after a few runs. Using ski boot heaters [] will keep your feet warm and will make your ski day more enjoyable. Everyone I know who has tried them will never go back to skiing without them.

Ski boot warmers are the ultimate solution to cold feet. They use a thin heating element that you put under your boot insole. The heating element is connected to a rechargeable battery pack that attaches to the top of your boot. Control knobs on the battery pack allow you to control the temperature of your feet. The battery will easily last the entire day, and maybe 2 depending on which power setting you are using. Just remember to recharge the battery after your done and your good to go the next day.

Ski boot heaters are easy to install yourself or you can go to your local ski shop and have them do it for you. A great feature is that they are easy to transfer from one type of footwear to another.
You can use them for skiing one day, and then switch them over to another pair of boots so you can snowboard, snowshoe, hunt, or fish with warm feet the next day.

They are 2 brands of boot heaters on the market, Hotronics and Therm-ic. I know people that have both brands and they both work equally well. Both of the manufacturers have a few different models depending on your needs.

I installed the Supermax Footwarmer by Therm-ic in my boots at the beginning of this season, and have been loving skiing with warm feet.

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