So you have saved your pennies and are going on a ski vacation this winter? Cool for you.
But how do you pack all of your ski equipment and clothes for that vacation? You have everything laid out and set to pack, but how are you going to do that, especially if you are flying? With the airlines raising fees on checked baggage, you will want to look into your options.
Even if you are travelling by car, it might be tough to get everything you need in your vehicle without looking like Clark W.
Griswald! First place to begin is looking at what is available to you at your vacation spot.
Check into rental shops to see what they charge for skis and other equipment.
If you are going to a popular area, there will be competition in regards to rental prices and you can shop for the best deal.
This is assuming that you don't mind renting your equipment.
Remember, rental places have to keep their skis and everything else in top condition to stay competitive.
So you don't want to rent? Not a problem.
Any ski area is going to have a plethora of ski shops available to you.
Call around and find out the prices for the bulky items like skis, poles, and boots.
Then ask them if they buy used equipment; lots of places do.
If that shop doesn't, ask them who does in that area.
You may find that buying a new set of ski equipment and then selling them back barely used when you are done with your ski vacation may actually be close to what you would have had to pay for rental equipment and you will be using new equipment and not used.
Winter clothes are bulky and hard to pack even when you aren't going skiing.
Jackets, sweaters, and other cold weather clothes are thick and not easily folded for packing.
A weekend trip can be hard enough to pack for in the winter, imagine trying to get all your clothes packed for a two week trip! There is a simple solution to this dilemma.
Pack your bulky clothes in a box.
They may be bulky, but for the most part they don't weigh a lot.
Call the resort or lodge where you are going to be staying and tell them that you are sending a package/box to them in care of you.
Ask them if they will hold it for you at the desk.
They are usually happy to do so.
With all the shipping companies in the market today, you can shop around and find the best deal on shipping rates.
You don't want your clothes to get to your destination too early and have it shoved into a back corner, but you definitely want it there when you arrive.
Multiple boxes may be cheaper to ship, but then you run the risk of one getting lost in the shuffle, either with the shipping company or at your resort.
Weigh the contents of what you want to ship and find out if it would be cheaper to split the clothes up into more than one box, or just go with the price of one box.
You will most likely find that shipping your bulky items ahead of you will be cheaper than paying the fee for checked baggage at the airport, or trying to squeeze all of your luggage into your car.
For your return trip, simply re-pack the box and send it to your home.
With a little forethought and planning, you can enjoy your ski vacation with little or no hassle when it comes to packing everything you will need.