Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Natural Fertility Methods: A Cheaper Way to Cure Infertility

Wherever I went today, there would always be a couple I know who have a hard time conceiving a child.  Some have been together for more than ten years, some for just a year.  I don't know for anyone else, but when I got married, I expected to conceive a child as soon as the honeymoon started.   To imagine someone who feels like me about children, but is unable to get pregnant, just breaks my heart.

It's only natural for couples who are unable to conceive to seek the help of medical specialists, in order to find ways to help them have a baby.  Some of the most popular infertility cures are fertility drugs and the IVF procedure.  During the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) process, the ovaries are stimulated for ovulation to take place, and then the eggs are retrieved from the woman's ovaries so it can be fertilized by a sperm, outside the body.  Once fertilized, the egg, which is now a zygote, will then be transferred to the patient's uterus.  If the process is successful, the patient will become pregnant.  It's an expensive treatment, that's why not everyone can afford it.  However, because of the great need to conceive, some couples do every ways possible in order to get the money for the treatment, especially when they have tried cheaper methods but have not succeeded.  IVF is one method of curing infertility that many people are very much aware of, but there are other ways that can help couples reproduce, ways that conventional medicine is not involved.

Nowadays, a lot of things are now offered in their natural form – food products, cosmetic products, and even medicines.  In the case of conceiving a child, experts also have come up with natural fertility methods that can aid in getting women pregnant, without taking any drugs or undergoing an expensive treatment.  Everything involved are natural – herbal medicines, as well as tried and proven techniques.  If a woman is resourceful enough to try and research about her infertility problem, she will discover that there are many ways out there that may be the natural infertility cure for her, or means that can boost her low fertility level.

Out of the various natural fertility methods around, Ovulation monitoring is one of the easiest to do.  In order for a woman to get pregnant, she must ovulate, and she must be aware when she ovulates.  A woman can do this by using a fertility calendar, ovulation test kits, checking for basal body temperature, and examining her cervical mucus.  A fertility calendar can point you your most fertile days (the best days for sexual contacts to get pregnant) by just inputting the number of days of your last menstrual cycle and the first day of your last menstrual period.  Ovulation test kits can be bought at stores where you can buy pregnancy test kits.  BBT can be taken by a body thermometer, while cervical mucus examination doesn't need any kit or instrument, you just check the consistency of it monthly to know when you are ovulating or not.  For an in depth explanation of other natural fertility methods, click here.

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