High Uric Acid Levels in the Blood - Seven Things You Must Know to Prevent Permanent Damage
Did y?u kn?w that high uric acid levels ?n blood ??use excruciating gout wh??h c?n eventually produce damaged joints ?nd kidneys? And did ?ou know th?t high acid levels in blood can be reduced and controlled without u??ng drugs? Well, h?r? you'?l learn what c?use? high uric acid ?n the blood, how ?t cau?e? gout, what th? ramifications ?f recurring gout ??n be, and, h?w to treat ?t without expensive drugs with al? th??r nasty side effects.
What Is Uric Acid ?nd How Does It Cause Gout?
Uric acid occurs qu?t? naturally ?n ??ur blood ?nd urine. It i? actuall? a byproduct of a reaction ?n y?ur body th?t supplies your energy and protein needs. The key elements ?n th?? process ar? chemical compounds called "purines" which ar? ?l?? a natural part ?f ?our make-up, but crucially, ???? ap??ar ?n our foods.
As part ?f the process de??ribed above, th??e purines eventually breakdown and acid i? produced ?n ??ur bloodstream as ? result. Your kidneys th?n process ?nd expel excess uric acid fr?m y?ur body by w?? ?f y?ur urine.
Now, as long ?? ?our kidneys are working efficiently, and, not to? mu?h uric acid is b??ng produced f?r ?our kidneys to handle, th?n 'normal' acid levels, that d?n't generally ??u?e an? problems, circulate in ?our blood.
However, ?f ??th?r ?ne ?f th? tw? scenarios ab?ve ??n't met, th?n there wi?l b? an excess of acid circulating in your blood. The result ?s that uric acid in the form of crystals ??n be accumulated ?n ?nd around ?our joints, causing the agonies of gout. Apart fr?m th? pain, th? other symptoms ar? redness, swelling ?nd inflammation.
What Are The Long Term Effects Of High Uric Acid Levels In Blood?
The first thing t? b? aware of is that frequent episodes ?f gout ?v?r extended periods ??n lead to permanently damaged joints. They ??n ???? lead to agonizing kidney stones and, in severe cases, kidney damage.
The s?cond thing i? that ?nce ?ou h??? h?d on? attack, ??u ar? extremely like?y to hav? others, un???? ?ou can do s?mething to prevent th?ir return (see bottom ?f page).
What Are The Usual Treatments For High Uric Acid Levels And Gout?
These ?r? invariably prescribed drugs of th? type su?h as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), colchicines and corticosteroids t? address th? symptoms ?f ? gout attack. And th? u?? of uric acid-reducing drugs such as probenecid ?nd allopurinol, whi?h are used ??er extended periods.
Are These Drug-Based Treatments Effective?
Absolutely. The drugs for attacking th? symptoms c?n work w?thin ? week ?r so, and, the acid-reducing drugs gradually lower uric acid o?er time.
However, the anti-inflammatory drugs ha?? n? effect what?ver ?n y?ur high acid levels; they ?n?y address th? inflammation and pain. You n?rm??l? on?? t?k? th?se unt?l th? symptoms ha?e gone.
And the drugs t? reduce acid levels ?re prescribed for th? long term, because, a?though th?y lower ?our uric acid levels, th?y ??n't address th? root ?au?e ?f ??ur high levels. So that when ??u com? off them there'? noth?ng t? stop ??ur levels rising again. Unless, of course, y?u know h?w to address th? underlying ??us?s (see below).
Are There Any Side Effects?
As w?th most drugs, unfortun?tel? yes. With these, th? m?st common are; nausea, vomiting, headaches, stomach cramps, bleeding, and, stomach ulcers.
And th?s -- ?long with th?ir cost pr?b?bl? -- is why ?? man? folks ?re n?w us?ng totally natural remedies to relieve th??r symptoms, and, prevent further attacks w?th their prospect of permanent damage...
Natural Home Remedies For High Uric Acid Levels and Gout
It ?erha?? g?es w?thout s???ng that th?re ?r? ?ery many natural remedies available. Here are ?ust ? few ?f th? m??t important:-
Diet - Avoid high purine foods ?ike fatty red meat, offal, poultry, shellfish, dried peas, legumes, and yeast.
Alcohol - Avoid alcohol, ??p?c?a?l? beer b??au?? of th? yeast content.
Fruits - Eat things l?ke cherries, strawberries and blueberries f?r th?ir natural anti-inflammatory properties.
Vegetables - Eat green-leafy vegetables, parti?u?ar?y celery, for th??r uric acid symptoms -fighting properties.
Herbs - Things ?ike alfalfa and burdoch can help neutralize uric acid.
Water - Drink 12 x 8oz glasses ?f water daily to h??p flush excess uric acid out of ??ur system.