Society & Culture & Entertainment Horoscopes

September 2009 Horoscope

Aries (March 21 to April 20) This is a very promising month for you.
You may be struggling to achieve your goals, but you will need to push a little more to get closer to them.
In the end, you will obtain your desires.
The moment you obtain your desires, look forward to more good things coming your way.
The achievement of your goal is just the beginning! Taurus (April 21 to May 21) Be mindful of whom you confide in, especially during this month.
Pour out your thoughts and feelings only to those whom you fully trust, or you may find your own words being used against you.
If you are not careful, an uncontrollable surge of gossip will find its way across the work place, and cause you some harm.
Gemini (May 22 to June 21) This month brings with it a cheerful environment for you! You will be surrounded by things you love, and the warmth of your friends' affections will become more apparent than ever! Your enemies will be at a loss as you overcome any malicious intent they might try and send your way.
Don't worry and know that you are protected! Cancer (June 22 to July 22) Your romantic relationship will be enveloped with happiness during this month.
If you are single, you will come across various prospects who are more than willing to go on a date with you! You will feel like the world's beloved as you receive all the extra attention and care that you completely deserve! Leo (July 23 to August 21) Your plans may be disrupted this month, causing you a lot of anxiety.
While this disruption may be caused by enemies, there is no need to worry because you will be able to overcome all obstacles.
Look at every disruption as a means for you to advance forward, and prove to yourself that you are capable of overcoming anything.
Virgo (August 22 to September 23) This month brings you new possibilities full of pleasure! An aspect of your life which you may have always perceived as chaotic will fall into place, in a way that you never expected.
Something that you have been working for will finally pay off very soon! Expect nothing but the best this month.
Libra (September 24 to October 23) You will be somewhat distraught by worries concerning your job, or a project that you are working on.
However, be reminded that there is no need to worry or fear, because you are the right person to do this job.
Your peers and colleagues are able to see your special qualities, which makes you the perfect person to consult or run to for assistance.
Scorpio (October 24 to November 22) Your abilities and achievements will bring you a lot of praise and compliments from all sorts of people, but you are reminded not to let this go to your head.
Pride and arrogance will very quickly make you unpopular.
So enjoy the shower of positive comments, but remember to stay humble.
Sagittarius (November 23 to December 22) For this month, you have to remember that no matter what kind of challenge or difficulty you encounter at work, you will be able to overcome it.
You are still reminded to take extra precaution in every step of the way.
But with the proper mindset, you will reach the fortunes you desire.
Capricorn (December 23 to January 20) Be careful not to make any hasty decisions this month, as this would be extremely unwise at this time.
You will be in for a huge disappointment followed by a series of serious difficulties if you act in haste.
Think things through before making any decisions.
Ask for more time if you need to.
Aquarius (January 21 to February 19) This month, take advantage of any opportunities for travel that come your way.
Make sure to take time in preparing yourself and the things you will need for your journey.
This will make every second of your travel worth all the effort.
Get ready for some new and rich experiences, and learning.
Pisces (February 20 to March 20) Be open to sudden changes that may occur in your life this month.
No matter how inconvenient or untimely they may seem, trust that this is just part of a necessary phase that you need to get through.
Afterwards, you will enter a series of very fortunate events for the rest of the month until the early part of October.

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