Many folks acknowledge that the Gates Foundation have given billions to great causes.
Bill and Melinda Gates have given more to the whole of mankind than any other couple on the planet.
Recently with their good friend Warren Buffet involved they are doing even more.
Still folks like to criticize Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Software.
They say that the World would be much better off with Linux instead or if Linux Office Suit were equal and sold just as much.
Well that is hard to day, I still have conflicts with Java, Adobe, etc.
There is something to be said for standardization and the PEOPLE, as we call them made their choice, they chose Microsoft by purchasing their products.
They can still vote for the Linux Office Suit if they want to, it is actually quite good.
Personally, I like Microsoft and I never did understand why the FTC intervened with them giving me a free web browser with my operating system.
And yes I understand the debate with Open Source Code and yes some would say that it is better, but I would rather not have open source because the hackers use it for evil and they are people too.
Most of the problems with Microsoft is due to the governments intervening and causing mandatory holes to be placed which are immediately used by hackers to access and attack computer systems.
And again in such a debate we must speak to standardization and its value, especially considering Microsoft and its Monopoly is an earned monopoly as consumers voted with their dollar for it.
What are we going to shut down Starbucks Coffee too? No, because there is one across the street from the FTC in Washington DC.
So they are protected from lawsuits and harm.
The world was served when VHS became the standard even though Beta Max video was somewhat better technology.
Standardization in communication is important and free markets are needed to keep efficiency and forward progression.
Please think on this in 2007.
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