Health & Medical Heart Diseases

Cholesterol Treatment Alternatives - 4 Ways to Lower Bad LDL Cholesterol Naturally

Before committing yourself to one particular cholesterol remedy, it is important to look at all the available alternatives to prescription medication.
Looking at any type of natural remedy is always highly recommended because herbs have been around longer than synthetic drugs.
Here are a few examples of some cholesterol treatment alternatives you will find.
) Carnitine.
This supplement is used by muscles in the heart to convert fat into energy.
Some results conclude that Carnitine reduces serum cholesterol, although those findings may be inconclusive.
HDL levels can increase when taking Carnitine which, in turn, higher HDL levels can decrease LDL levels.
Most studies use a supplement between 1mg and 4mg per day.
) Royal Jelly.
Royal jelly is a hive bee byproduct.
It is used by worker bees to feed larvae and Queen bee (hence the nickname Royal Jelly).
This health tonic can be somewhat expensive because of its unique harvesting requirements; however, it has widely been seen as a powerful medicinal used to treat a number of different ailments including high cholesterol.
) Vitamin C.
One of the biggest deterrents to current prescriptions are their side effects of muscle weakness.
This is especially true when they are used over long periods of time.
In some studies, patients were taking several grams of Vitamin C a day, and they lowered their cholesterol levels considerably.
The current recommendation of Vitamin C is about 80 milligrams.
There are more studies that need to be done to conclude the results of Vitamin C and cholesterol, but even the current trial studies have proven that Vitamin C is essential to lowering cholesterol.
) Natural Supplements.
Ingredients such as policosanol, theaflavin and l-selenomethionine have been used for years in natural supplements to balance LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels effectively.
They have been proven to work by clinical trials and the people that have used them.
If you're looking for cholesterol treatment alternatives, then you might want to check out a proven supplement.
When you can find the right one, they really work, but the catch is that you have to keep using them for a few months to see results.
But I think that is well worth it, don't you think? It sure beats using prescription medication that can harm your health and come with a bag of side-effects.
More cholesterol treatment alternatives are available, but these seem to be the most effective unconventional treatments at the moment.
I recommend you to do as much research as possible to find an effective treatment that works for you.

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