Health & Medical Traditional Chinese medicine

Acupuncture and Acupressure

These ancient forms of Oriental medicine date back 2000 years or more.
Both treatment types aim to balance the chi, or flow of energy, by working with points located along the body's energy channels, which are known as meridians.
Chinese medicine considers the state of health a result of the conflicting make and female forces of nature, termed yin and yang.
When these forces are not in harmony, disease ensues.
A deficiency of chi results in pain.
An acupuncturist inserts fine sterile needles into particular acupuncture or energy points in order to balance energy flow, modify pain, influence disease states and promote health and well being.
In acupressure, the practitioner applies pressure to the same points to encourage the body to return to a healthy state.
The Alexander technique teaches you how to remedy poor posture and use your body more safely and efficiently.
You may find it is useful in building up an overall picture on how these factors can have a long term impact on your functioning and well being.
The practice of osteopathy dates back to the 1870s when the physician discovered the healing benefits of manual therapy.
The main concept underlying this approach is that, given the best possible environment, the body can heal itself and restore natural balance.
Examination of the spine and joints forms the foundation of treatment.
Osteopaths believe that since all body structures receive their nerve supply from the spinal cord, a spinal column that is not functioning optimally will generate problems.
Manipulation of the back is a major part of their repertoire but they also work on the soft tissues around the spine.

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