- Some of the highest peaks in the world are found in the Andes.andes mountain image by Robert Ulph from Fotolia.com
When you want to know a place and its people intimately, a volunteer vacation is an excellent option. As you make plans, remember that even though you're giving your time, a volunteer vacation in South America will still cost several thousand dollars, depending on the length of your stay. - With volunteer vacation organization Global Volunteers, you have the chance to work in an orphanage in Lima, Peru, or care for disabled and orphaned children in Quito, Ecuador. Global Volunteers' program allows participants to do volunteer vacations for one to six weeks, or to apply for an extended stay of as long as 24 weeks. Volunteers typically work during normal business hours during the day, and have the weekends and evenings free to explore their host area.
Global Volunteers
375 E. Little Canada Road
St. Paul, MN 55117-1628
globalvolunteers.org - Several volunteer vacations involve protecting the birds of the Amazon.AMAZONE image by MEGA from Fotolia.com
Volunteers with Earthwatch Institute can choose from several countries where they will work on projects concerned with land and wildlife conservation. Options include riverboat voyages in Peru, working to help dolphins, monkeys and otters, or surveying tours of the Ecuadorian Amazon, collecting wildlife data for researchers. Trips also are available in Chile, Brazil and other parts of South America. Trips generally last about two weeks. Many of the trips are quite strenuous, since they often involve traveling to remote locations which may not have modern amenities like electricity and sanitation systems.
Earthwatch Institute - United States
114 Western Ave.
Boston, MA 02134
earthwatch.org - Volunteers with GVI have the opportunity to go on volunteer vacations that last from two weeks to two years. In South America, volunteers can go to Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil. Volunteers can do wildlife conservation projects like biological surveying, or people-oriented projects like teaching English and assisting at child care centers and orphanages.
Global Vision International
66 Long Wharf, Suite 562 S
Boston, MA, 02110
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