Health & Medical Lose Weight

What is Oolong? Can It Make Your Skin More Youthful?

Have you ever noticed how Asian women seem to have gorgeous, youthful skin well into their latter years? Do you not wish you knew their secrets? I know one! Would you like to know about oolong tea? Asian women tend to live cleaner lives. They consume better diets and are generally exposed to less environmental toxins.

These are few of the reasons behind their gorgeous, youthful skin. We should all strive for a better diet full of fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean proteins; however, we cannot do much to escape environmental toxins from industrial facilities, car exhaust and chemicals. This is where oolong tea can help fight the damage, prevent premature aging and improve the youthful appearance of your skin!

Real tea is all derived from the same plant, Camellia Sinensis. The differences in tea varietals stem from when the leaves are picked and how they are treated afterwards (fermentation).

Black tea is highly fermented (crushed and oxidized). Green tea is not fermented. White tea is green tea that is picked earlier. Oolong has a unique background and it is semi-fermented.

Legend tells that oolong tea was created purely by accident. A man named Wu Liang was harvesting tea leaves and was interrupted by a passing deer. Wanting the deer for his family, he abandoned his freshly picked tea leaves to hunt the deer.

He returned a few days later and found the tea leaves partially oxidized by the sun. He proceeded to prepare the tea anyway and found that this oxidation process had made the tea more delicate than green tea. It no longer had a bitter grassy taste!

The most beneficial teas to fight premature aging and restore a more youthful appearance are oolong, green and white teas. Oolong tea has the nicest flavor; so many people enjoy it over other tea varietals. Tea contains phytochemicals (antioxidants) that are highly beneficial to your overall health because they can fight aging and repair damage.

At the heart of aging lie free radicals. We are exposed to free radicals on a daily basis through UV rays and all of the chemicals and pollutants previously mentioned. Free radical molecules damage our skin (and all tissue) at the cellular level.

Aging makes it more difficult to fight free radical damage, and they are allowed to destroy cellular membranes and alter genetic material. We also cannot regenerate cells at the same rate as we did when we were younger.

Not only does this process affect our overall health, but it also damages our skin. We wind up with wrinkles and sagging skin. Our skin becomes more fragile.

As mentioned oolong tea contains strong antioxidants. When free radicals damage cells, the process is called oxidation. ANTIoxidants fight this process. They can also repair the damage done AND they are important components of cellular regeneration. This is why drinking oolong tea regularly can improve the health of your skin and restores a more vibrant, healthy appearance to your skin!

Oolong tea is available in many forms, but wu yi is one of the best tasting at a moderate price.

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