Health & Medical Acne

Secret Acne Cure - What They Don"t Want You to Know About Holistic Treatment Methods

There really is a secret acne cure in our country today that the big acne "curing" companies don't want you to know.
For instance, where you aware that benzoyl peroxide, one of the most common acne fighting chemicals in America today, has been completely banned in Europe as a form of acne treatment? There are many concerns about the long term effects that it might have on a person and their skin.
Meanwhile it's still very heavily pushed in our country and for what? So people can have dry, red, itchy, irritated skin and a few less pimples? The joke is on us, folks.
The corporations have been laughing all the way to the bank.
Instead of actually developing cures and proper treatments for acne, they only develop more products that force people to keep buying from them.
If they actually cured acne, then all their profits would go away.
Makes sense for them, but it doesn't work out so well for us.
Furthermore, did you know the last independent study on acne in the US was in 1971? It lasted 1 week and the conclusion was that acne has no connection to our diets.
Since then, most dermatologists cite this study as canon and refuse to do any further research.
Just think about that for a minute.
How far have we come in 10 years, let alone the past 39 years? How many advances have been made in medicine? It's downright criminal that professionals refuse to take a second look at their so called facts.
Ah, but they have a way around that.
They say there have been more studies done since then.
Did you notice when I said "the last independent study?" Since then, studies have been funded by most of the major acne companies.
Their conclusions? That we should keep buying their products.
What a surprise, no? I hope by this point that you're angry.
I know for sure that I am.
What they don't tell you is that people in less developed parts of the world have far less acne.
Coincidentally, they eat much less processed foods.
How about studies on the Kitavans, Inuit and Ache? No cases of recorded acne at all and they ate no processed foods, just what they could catch or grow themselves.
What's more, the Inuit began eating a typical American diet during the study.
Guess who started having acne soon after.
Or how about Brazil? Another country with low rates of acne cases.
That is until the fast food restaurants began opening for business.
Surprise, surprise, cases of acne began doubling and tripling every year after.
When it comes to a secret acne cure, there really is no secret.
It's all common sense; eat healthier, drink more water, get enough sleep and get out into the sun.
Many people know by now that acne has much to do with our hormones, but it is much more involved than that.
Our acne problems stem completely from problems inside out body and nothing you put on your skin will ever cure you.

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