Pets & Animal Exotic Pets

The Baby Ferret - What They Need to Remain Happy and Healthy

Mother ferrets usually give birth to a litter size of seven to eight baby ferrets, commonly known as kits, at a time.
After birth the kits are still blind and will only start showcasing their sense of sight in around twenty days.
The skin of the baby ferret usually exhibits a pinkish hue and they sort of resemble baby mice at this stage.
Born as hairless creatures, the kit's primary activities are suckling and sleeping.
Newly born ferrets should have their first vaccination when they reach 7 weeks in age.
In addition, weaning can start when the baby ferret is already 6 weeks old or sometimes sooner.
It is during this stage of their life that they will start on a rapid growth pattern and will start to change right before your very eyes.
Their bones also grow and strengthen quickly at this period.
At this age, kits will generally require the same amount of nutrients required by their adult counterparts.
Thus, his diet must include high quality foods with low calories and low fiber.
Cat food is not an advisable substitute when it comes to feeding the kit.
It is highly recommended to consult the breeder on what particular ferret food brands the kit has been used to and then make sure you do not veer to far from what he has become accustomed to.
You just want to make sure and avoid abruptly changing his diet as his system could be "shocked" and it could adversely affect his appetite and nourishment intake.
New brands can be introduced slowly to avoid irritations in his delicate digestive.
The food passes from the stomach to the gastrointestinal tract very quickly because of the shortness of the tract.
A good diet for the baby ferret should be one concentrated mainly in protein and fat but low in calories and fiber.
In looking for a good ferret food brand, check the ingredient list and choose those brands with at least 35% protein and 20% fat.
Kit's only take a small amount of food in eating so even if ferret foods are often expensive, ferret owners need not worry too much about budget and expenses.
Aside from food, kits also need plenty of fresh water that is readily available to him when he needs it.
Water bowls are recommended as containers instead of water bottles as they provide ease of access.
Make sure the water is maintained fresh and clean at all times as wells as replacing the water daily is advisable.
He also needs to be provided with toys and treats; however, make sure he has more toys than treats because you wouldn't want a fat ferret on your hands.
Avoid providing plastic and rubber toys to prevent him from eating or chewing on them; however, durability should me your main focus when discerning what kinds of toys he is going to get.
In addition, do not leave toys inside the cage.
These are just some of the guidelines that a ferret owner should bear in mind.
Indeed, pet owners would only want the best for their beloved companion.

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