Health & Medical Lose Weight

Make Yourself Slim And Beautiful

This opportunity to make your poser fierce pose as you reach up its all in the attitude X half it down more deeply than you €reused to by at least three inches alright the Syntheses back send the size that lift that belly and stir at in hell here I exhale homes together left elbow touches the right meet with the fire in hell roll it up exhale spin so little deeper twice now inhale right into the belly I don't work the low back but you cambered and lift the Pelican belly muscles. That will help you get that inner digestive fire going in hell and exhale fierce lion three times in how to reach out there for a stick that tongue out in hell we retain the lessons have our past dropped the way inhale Axiom have good now slowly bend the knees plant the hands forward crow number to you let's widen the feed aside as the shoulders then here's why bend the knees that lift those heels and take the knees as high up on the outer arms armpits.

You can a squeeze the arms out against their legs squeezing and remember and as you come down this is really vertical cut it straight down at the hands and straight up through the back then the others come over rest maybe the feet can come together in time okay take a deep breath in here and on your exhale meet me in downward facing dog very nice her in health through the nose access to the time softened their shoulders and they left their raft playing to the sky. We go outside on the exhale how to get there has stepped up but center to the mat is set up for it so your hands are already here nice and wide now plant way into your left foot and then the right knee and look down at the floor for balance the whole time left finger tips and flat rate down open your cell are turned Justine right hip opens bottle a externally rotate a little that will help you open the help circle the top I'm backing down both knees come close Crescent your earth.

I know why did one of the most amazing poses for building the slow body strength and flexibility day roll it down and open it up try that one more time just fix that gazing points to rate down to the earth so you know your balance is much richer have an open and on your exhale come on in it going both fingertips wide both knees together take a breath and prepare X health kick out and see how hey inhales is all about weight loss on all your level so how got to go behind your cell. Let it go access how try to you more inhale huh and exhale how good both feet come together hit that left leg straight right knee that or in the hallway 1 and on the exhale left arm moves tithe sky so again I stretch along the side at theist band even have hamstring in hell link then and exhale first I feel really nice to let go even when it's intense it's a little addictive that's why we keep coming back to: guy even though FLAWLESS RASPBERRY KETONE it's not the most comfortable but it is the most powerful practice that.

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