Health & Medical Anxiety

What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

A Look into Social Anxiety Disorder A person with social anxiety disorder feels overwhelmingly anxious about their behavior around others; what to say, how to act, etc.
They fear certain social situations such as public speaking or events with lots of people.
You may be thinking that we all experience some apprehension about public speaking and certain social events, but someone with social anxiety disorder can almost work themselves into a state of panic over these things and any type of social interactions whatsoever.
Their anxiety can also bring on physical symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, shakiness, flushing and an inability to concentrate and all of these things can eventually cause them to avoid social situations entirely and very often lead to depression.
It has been noted that people who suffer from anxiety related disorders are also at a much higher risk of developing substance abuse problems as a result of turning to alcohol or drugs in hopes of feeling more relaxed and calming their anxiety.
Doctors aren't entirely sure what causes social anxiety disorder which may have a lot to do with why the treatment options that they recommend don't always work for everyone.
Conventional treatment of social anxiety generally involves being placed on medications; often a combination of an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and a sedative; both of which help to relieve the physical symptoms that a person may feel because of their anxiety.
Sedatives that are commonly prescribed to help relieve anxiety are also habit-forming which can prove extremely dangerous for someone who may also be suffering from depression.
While offering some temporary relief of the physical discomforts of social anxiety may be welcomed at first, the reality is that it is not at all a cure.
A doctor may also recommend counseling, but this doesn't always get to the root of the problem either which can prove more frustrating than anything.
There are natural ways to treat social anxiety disorder that do not rely on medication to mask the problem and instead focus on offering an understanding of anxiety and the fear that actually leads to the disorder.
By learning to stop fearing the anxiety, you can pretty much cure yourself of social anxiety.
This may not cure the disorder overnight but it will help you to see an improvement right away and offer you a permanent solution without the side effects of medications or costly counseling sessions.
You may want to consider the natural solution before any other.

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