Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

IPAF Course Offering on Safety Training

IPAF is a well known accreditation body on safety and safety training not only in the nation but also globally. Many safety training courses have been developed by IPAF which are widely used by accredited training centers and companies. Staff of these companies would need to undergo specific IPAF safety training courses before they are allowed to conduct of the safety courses.

Course content

The course materials or contents in an IPAF safety course are very important to be relevant and applicable in the current day technological environment in specific industries. The course materials would include guidance, identification and inspection of every work situation that involves height; hence, the appropriate height regulations at work are identified and clarified.

Height issues are greatly emphasized with possible falls from any height and the prevention of falls; as such the IPAF safety training course contents include the IPAF harness statement which emphasizes the necessity of a harness in any work situation above the ground regardless of height.

It is imperative for the course participants to be able to inspect the condition of the harnesses before usage to avoid possible risks and danger on the job. The course emphasizes the safe use of all work related equipment in the proper work environments.

Course Structure

There would be easy learning structures in every IPAF safety course where various work safety regulations such as PUWER Regulations and LOLER Regulations are reviewed and expounded for the benefit of the participants and society as these regulations are applied conscientiously by the graduates.

There would be the effective and safe usage of MEWPS in all kinds of situations such as tree works and electric power lines to avoid risks and danger. Hence, the IPAF safety course structure has both theory and practical components to make it an excellent program.

Every IPAF safety training course emphasizes on effective learning; hence, the class size is kept small to allow sufficient individual attention to every learner as one must grasp the ropes of safety in every safety equipment for all types of work environment. Although some safety courses may not be very long in duration, these are sufficient for the learners to understand; more practice and application would enhance their skills from the short half or one day of training.

The only long IPAF safety training course is the IPAF Instructor course which is 10 days long to be a qualified facilitator.

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