Many of you are out there right now, trying to figure out what NCLEX review book to buy, how you can afford 1 or 2 or 3 and which one will give you the most for your dollar.
Here are some tips.
First, you don't have to buy a book.
Many college or university libraries may have several.
I just ordered several for our library.
You may or may not be able to check these books out, but you can try most of them out at the library.
You can also get with your buddies and share books.
Someone from last year's class may be willing to give away or sell a book cheap.
Also, you can buy a book and have unlimited access.
Here are some characteristics to look for when picking a good NCLEX book.
current copyright.
Anything more than 2 years old may not give you the most up to date question formats.
a CD or DVD disk.
This disk should simulate what the experience of taking the test is like.
In other words, how will it look on the screen, how will you need to use your mouse.
This will also decrease your anxiety because you will be familiar with it when you take the exam.
study tips.
A good book gives you study tips and suggestions on how to best use their book.
a variety of questions using the various formats.
rationales for the answers and why the distractors are not correct.
Good luck!! Practice completing many questions.
It is always best to do at least a few a day.
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