Health & Medical Women's Health

Night Sweats In Women - Causes And Treatment

When husbands find that you are in a lousy mood and that he is always wrong, then you are suffering from menopause symptoms.
They say that during the menopause you are only 5% sweetheart, the rest menopausal.
Menopausal symptoms are like an earthquake shattering your body with hot flushes and night sweats.
These two symptoms are the most common during menopause.
But what are the causes of night sweats in women? Causes of Night Sweats Night sweats come under the category of vasomotor symptoms or VMS.
Due to changes in the gonadal hormones, there is a temperature dysfunction that takes place within your body.
In a normal situation your core body temperature stays within a certain range oscillating with your daily 24 hour rhythms.
There are various physiological processes which help in conserving and dissipating your body's heat and thus in maintaining your core body temperature.
This regulation of temperature is needed for optimal internal organ functions.
If there is any disruption in this tightly controlled temperature regulation regime within your body, it results in exaggerated heat loss response, and this contributes to menopausal symptoms.
Now, estrogens are supposed to be one of the most potent neuromodulators of various neuronal circuits throughout the central nervous system.
This circuitry consists of three interconnected components - core body temperature, neurochemical messaging and peripheral vasculature.
During the menopause estrogen levels fluctuate a lot, and the changing levels of estrogen create an impact on multiple components that are involved in maintaining body's temperature.
Estrogen levels are affected by declining ovarian steroid levels.
And these declining levels initiate thermoregulatory dysfunction.
Treatment of Night Sweats Night sweats are one of the most bothersome symptoms of menopause.
They affect nearly 75% of women above 50.
Management of these symptoms can be done by herbal remedies, hormonal replacement therapies and non-hormonal therapies.
Some techniques include lifestyle changes by which regulation of your core body temperature takes place.
This can be done by wearing loose clothes during night time, quiting smoking, and doing yoga or meditation.
Apart from that regular physical activity and weight loss also help in reducing the risk of getting VMS.
The role of herbal remedies in treating night sweats has been under lot of scrutiny over the recent years.
But several herbal remedies for night sweats in women have helped women across the world to deal with excessive sweating.
Some of them are:
  • Dong Quai: This herb helps in stabilizing excessive sweating by stabilizing blood vessels.
    It also helps in relieving mental and emotional distress.
  • Chaste Berry: This herb affects the pituitary gland in the body, and regulates night flushes.
    This herb is especially good because it helps in regulating LH and FSH secretion.
Other things used to treat hot flushes and night sweats in women are soy isoflavones, red clover isoflavones, black cohosh and vitamin E.
These are used for treating women who have mild symptoms which can't be controlled by changing lifestyle.
Most of the herbal remedies are safe to use for a period of six months.
Hormone Replacement Therapy should be the last alternative and the lowest effective dose should be used for the shortest possible duration.
It should be used only when the potential benefits far outweigh the potential risks.
The physical stress associated with menopause is immense and it is necessary that lifestyle changes are done to cope with the symptoms.

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