My lack of sleep over the past few weeks is finally starting to catch up on me.
I seem to always be dragging and not at full strength.
I am getting a lot of work done and staying focused on my work, but as soon as I step away from my desk, I can't seem to function.
So I guess it is good for business, but not good for personal.
However, I will need to rest up a bit because I am a tad bit sick.
Last week Amanda's mom was a little sick with a cold and sore throat, guess who caught it? That's right I did.
The other night I was starting to feel a little stuffy and like a sinus cold was coming on because there was a big drop in temperature, so that was normal for me.
Then on Sunday night my ear started to feel like it needed to pop, and when I woke up yesterday morning it felt that same way.
I was told to try some Claritin D because it was probably just my sinuses acting up.
When I woke up this morning and felt even worse, throat hurt more, ear felt more clogged, I decided to go to the clinic.
This is where the adventure began.
I am without health insurance right now, I am in the process of getting Cobra, but that's a whole other story by itself, being held up because my former employer isn't playing very nice with me and my insurance provider to smooth the process, that's a different story in itself.
So I called around to see how expensive different clinics were and they all averaged about $100-$150.
I then came across the CVS Minute-Clinic.
It was only $65, so why not go there.
Let's first discuss this name, should be more like CVS 60 minute-clinic to get seen.
After waiting for nearly an hour, I was finally seen by the person, not sure what her credentials were.
I explained the situation, so she checked my throat and my ears.
She then proceeded to open up an operations and procedures binder and started asking me yes/no questions, like she was just going down a checklist of things I could have done on WebMD.
After about 5-10 minutes of that she started to collection some information from me.
Once I told her I was diabetic, she instantly started to freak.
"Well, I have to follow different procedure since your diabetic, I have to refer you out to another clinic, I can't prescribe anything for you because you have diabetes.
" She made a phone call to ac colleague I guess and they decided to refer me to an MD Now clinic in Boca Raton.
Guess what, I called that place this morning and it was $130, exactly why I didn't want to go there in the first place.
After about a total of 90 minutes inside CVS I said, I'm not paying for this visit because you're referring me somewhere else and I didn't' get anything out of the visit, and she agreed and said she wouldn't charge, finally something good out of that place.
I went over to the MD Now and signed in and was asked for my insurance cards.
"I don't have insurance, I'm paying out of pocket.
" Receptionist replies with, "OK that will be $130 and additional fees for any services or tests ran during the visit, I can take your payment now, credit or debit.
" Well, OK good day to you too.
So I paid the $130, even though I was trying to avoid that, but no options here.
I only waited about 5 minutes there and was brought back and was speaking with the doctor within minutes.
So this is what I paid $130 for.
Sinus issue going on with your ear, take Mucinex D to loosen it up.
It looks like it could be turning into an infection so here's a prescription for amoxicillin.
The best part about it was that I got the prescription for free from Publix (grocery store) because they give free generic prescriptions for up to 14 days.
I was able to save money there which helped out, but still out $130.
I guess it is worth it to have that piece of mind to know exactly what the issue is.
Still sucks though because I can barely hear out of my right ear and feels like I have been flying for 24 hours without being able to pop my ear.
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