Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Effective Head Lice Removal Techniques

Determining if your child has head lice is already no easy feat; trying to actually remove the critters is even more difficult. Although it may seem easy to just nip to the pharmacy and buy a chemical solution, more often than not the problem requires a little more research than that. The removal of this kind of infestation is like going to war, and essentially, you are going to war with the parasites! In your war against the persistent parasites, you need to have the right information, as well as the right tools, to make head lice removal effective and permanent!

Understanding the Nature of the Beast

The best way to defeat an enemy is to know as much about them as possible. This is certainly the case when dealing with an infestation of these parasitic insects, as many treatments only look at removing the live insects, and not the nits (eggs) that the insects lay. If nits are not treated, within 3 weeks, you could have a whole new infestation problem on your hands. Here are some facts about the head lice that should help you know more about your enemy:

* They are parasitic insects that survive on humans. They draw small amounts of blood from the scalp.
* They rely on human hosts to provide a constant source of heat and nourishment.
* Children between the ages of 3-12 years are most susceptible to the problem. Girls tend to suffer more so than boys, but boys are still prone to the parasite.
* A louse, when fully grown, is about the size of a sesame seed. Nits are incredibly small, and will be felt in the hair, rather than seen.
* The insects themselves can easily be removed from the hair with a nit comb. Nits are not so easy to remove, because the insects secure their eggs to hair strands with chitin.

Head Lice Removal Techniques that Work

When you understand the nature of the beast, the task of confronting and defeating them is made easier as this allows you to see the full scope of the situation. To remove an infestation completely from your home once and for all, you must tackle the problem of the insects, the nits and the stray survivors lurking around the home

* Medicated Shampoo - Not as potent as chemical based products, but certainly a useful tool to help eradicate the problem on the host.

* Nit comb - The most important manual removal tool you will ever need. If you buy a manual comb, make sure it has metallic teeth. Electronic combs are preferred by some parents, but they are slightly more expensive.
* White vinegar - An effective home remedy that works as a removal tool because it can help you remove the eggs as well as the insects. White vinegar breaks down the chitin securing nits to hair strands. Apply for 30 minutes, and then rinse well. Use the comb immediately afterwards to remove the nits as well as insects killed or weakened by the fumes of the vinegar.
* Home Treatment - Treat bedding, towels and clothes to a hot wash, or a 20 minute spin in the tumble dryer. The insects cannot abide extreme heat or cold. Put plush toys in a Ziploc bag for two weeks. Vacuum mattresses and vehicle upholstery thoroughly.

The war with these parasitic insects is not easily won. The path to victory is going to be filled with frustrating moments and repetitive treatments as you may have to go over your whole family and home repeatedly to ensure there are no more surviving insects waiting for a chance to start another infestation. With diligence, patience, and these tips you can and surely will win the war and make your home and family infestation free once again.

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