The sleepless nights, loss of appetite, the always inquiring where you ex is, what they are doing and who they are with... how much more can you take? The grief of learning how to get over a broken heart can seem intolerable at times. What can you do? Will you ever be happy once more? Is it possible to get back together?If reuniting with your ex is what you really want, then you have to learn what to do and say. The most important thing is to avoid the mistakes nearly everyone makes when trying to win back their ex.
Is getting back together what you honestly wish? Is it the right thing for both of you? You have to be totally truthful here... be positive you're not just feeling lonely.
If getting back together is what you really want, then you must stop any and all desperate and clinging behavior. When you act needy you give away your independence. Trying to convince your ex to get back together will only force them away.
Think back to the times when someone threw themselves at you. How did you react? You're nearly always turned off. At the very least you'll take them for granted.
You must acquire an attitude of independence. This can be hard to do, especially when you're trying to figure out how to get over a broken heart and you're anxious to get back together. You must force yourself to behave this way. It helps to stay busy doing things that make you happy and improve your life. Not only will this help you get back your independence, but it will also send a message to your ex that your life is going great without them.
This works because now you're working with human nature instead of fighting it. If you resist the urge to act clingy and desperate and instead start behaving independent and strong, you will be amazed how fast your ex changes their attitude. Then you'll both be in a position to work out your differences as equals.
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