Health & Medical Disability

Chiropractic Care - A Step By Step Guide

By []Carla Hutto

Assessing Health History

It is standard procedure for chiropractors to conduct an assessment of a patient's health history before proceeding into actual treatment, despite the recognized safety and effectiveness of chiropractic care. In order to assess the patient's health history, the patient is asked to fill out a complete health questionnaire.

The first reason for doing a health assessment is to help doctors recognize risk factors that might cause the current medical condition that the patient is complaining about. Secondly, it enables chiropractors to evaluate the best method of chiropractic treatment to use for a patient's condition while taking into account any risk factors.

Consulting a Chiropractor

The doctor will discuss the possible methods of chiropractic care that he may use to treat your condition, once the assessment is done. S/he might begin by discussing where the physical strain has rooted from and how chiropractic measures can address it. At this point, the doctor may explain specific methods of spinal adjustments or manipulation suited specifically to providing relief for conditions such as yours.

The Initial Examination

At this point, a physical assessment is done of a patient's condition. This helps produce a better assessment of the patient's health coupled with the initial health history assessment.


In order to understand the extent of the patient's condition, a physical examination is performed on the patient prior to undergoing chiropractic care. Most of the time, it begins with checking of the patient's spinal range of motion. This exam is performed even if the patient does not experience spinal pain. Because your spine is central to all range of motion available to the body, this exam is crucial. Some other tests performed could be orthopedic tests, reflexes, and neurological tests. The main aspects of this analysis are the posture and reflexes.


A thorough X-ray examination of the spine is required for anyone who has to undergo chiropractic treatment. The main purpose of the x-ray is to ensure that your spine is able to bear the weight of your body and is in its natural state. All misalignment of the spine, back, or joints are assessed through x-rays. Along with this type of test are other related examinations such as studying the range of motion, soft tissue palpation on the spine, among others.

Test Evaluations

All of your health history and assessment records will be kept by your doctor after being conducted. In order to determine whether chiropractic care can be beneficial to you, you will be asked to return for another visit for a full explanation of the results. It is important for patients to ask as many questions as possible, regarding their condition, to ensure that their decision poses no risks to their health.

Correction and Treatment

After being approved for chiropractic care, the doctor proceeds onto the correction, or adjustment, of any subluxations you may have on your spine or joint. Since any form of misalignment may cause pain or irritation, (specifically if range of motion is affected), the adjustment restores the natural position of the patient's vertebrae. Sometimes if the misalignment goes untreated, the vertebra's soft tissues, ligaments, and muscles are stretched and will require rehabilitation. The length of the treatment varies according to the extent of a patient's pain and discomfort. Some experience immediate relief immediately after their first spinal adjustment, while others require a longer treatment period. As a matter of fact, some patients must undergo long-term chiropractic care.

CARLA HUTTO has been an advocate of Chiropractic, as an alternative method of health care, since her late father, a former doctor of chiropractic, influenced her life and career path. She has been working in Southern California in the chiropractic field since 1993. []

Article Source: [] Chiropractic Care - A Step By Step Guide

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