Category : Children Law : Law & Legal & Attorney

How to Take Custody From a Parent

Courts respect the fundamental right of a parent to raise and make decisions for his children, thus taking custody of a child from her natural parent is only possible in very limited circumstances. This includes situations such as where a parent has been adjudicated unfit, has been incarcerated for

Parent Custody Laws in Arizona

Arizona courts issue custody orders based on the child's best interests.ULTRA.F/Photodisc/Getty ImagesWhen parents separate or divorce, a court must issue a custody order for any children. In Arizona, a court can award sole or joint custody based on the "best interests of the child." Both...

Child Support Services

Parents have the obligation to provide financial, emotional, medical, and educational support to their children, and this is only normal. However, it is also sad to think that there are some parents who do not do this, and this usually happens in single parent situations. This is a situation where c

Child Custody During Divorce

When you are facing a divorce, you will need to know the different types of custody arrangements available to you. Here you will find not only the different custody settlements, but hints towards how the judge will rule, as well as how to maximize your chances of a successful custody battle.

Sex Offender Sentencing Guidelines

Sex offenses include a range of crimes from lewd acts to aggravated rape. Most sex offenses are charged and tried and offenders sentenced in state courts. Federal sex offense sentences are doled out according to federal sentencing guidelines. Anyone convicted of a sex offense in state or federal cou