- 1). Draw the outline for your plates first. The size of this outline depends upon how big you want your stack of plates to be. To get this outer shape, draw a circle on your paper to represent the top plate. This should be placed near the top of your drawing surface. Draw a design of simple flowers or a pattern of your choice around the edge of this circle to create a better impression of a plate.
- 2). Draw the rest of the plates in your stack beneath the top plate, working your way toward the bottom of the page. Each plate should be represented by two curved lines, with the curves extending toward you. Draw as many of these curved lines as you need for the number of plates you want. For dimension, you'll need two lines for each plate. These two lines should be spaced to create the thickness of a typical plate and should follow the path of the top plate you drew.
- 3). Shade between the plates to create the three-dimensional effect you want. Keep the shading light. Use a slightly angled approach as you apply the pencil shading between the plates.
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