A summer birthday party is always a favorite among children.
One of the more popular options will be to have a poolside party.
Even if you do not have a pool, water activities with a sprinkler system will bring on so much fun.
However it is important to let parents know in advance that there will be water games, so that they come prepared.
They might want to bring a bathing suit, a change of clothing and other accessories.
With a pool, there are many options for games.
Relay swimming is good because many children can take part and it gives them a sense of competition.
The game of Marco Polo is a form of tag, often played in a swimming pool.
Three or more people can play this game.
In fact the more participants, the more fun it would be.
At any time there is one distinguished player, "It", who must usually wait a certain number of seconds before swimming around the pool with his or her eyes closed, attempting to tag the other players, The "It player can only sense where the other players are by sound, but call out "Marco", at which point all the other players are required to yell "Polo!" When the "It" player succeeds in tagging another player, the latter becomes "It".
In a swimming pool with a diving board, guests and the birthday child can have diving and cannonball contests.
There are other games that guests can play including water basketball.
Some even like to entertain themselves by coming up with synchronized swimming routine to music.
In the summer months when temperatures are extremely high, lack of a pool will not deter kids having fun with water.
Even a water sprinkle system can be adapted to parties to have fun.
Games such as red rover, tag and hide and seek can be played, which would necessitate guests running through the sprinkler by setting up specific areas that restrict individuals to certain patches of land.
There are also many games that children enjoy, like playing water gun fights and water balloon fights.
Playing water games out in the open in summer allow kids to stay cool while enjoying tremendous fun.
If playing in a pool or with water sprinkle system is out of the question, then there is still another option for water games, albeit, more expensive.
There are a number of water parks around the country, which offer party packages.
Though the cost is much higher, parks have more to offer in the form of wave pools, water slides, lazy rivers, to name a few.
That way all the kids will have plenty to do and play.
However a word of caution, do remember to let parents of the kids know that the party involves the kids playing in the pool or water parks and seek their permission for them to do so.
The safety of the kids is imperative at all times.
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