Our body is a complex piece of machinery that requires a constant supply of electricity in the form of vitamins and minerals, fats and carbohydrates, proteins and fiber.
All these nutrients are supplied through the diet, which are then converted to energy during digestion.
The bulk of the energy is contributed by foods rich in carbohydrates like bread and potatoes.
The digestive process breaks down the carbohydrates & produces glucose which is released in the blood.
The body can very well produce energy from proteins & fats but the brain cannot do so.
It requires glucose which it extracts from the blood.
Carbohydrates from different foods break down in to glucose at different rates.
This rate is calibrated as an index called Glycemic Index (GI).
Rapid breakdown indicates high GI while slow breakdown indicates a lower GI.
Lower GI means slower digestion and proper absorption of carbohydrates.
It also means a lower demand of insulin and better control of glucose levels.
On the contrary, foods with high GI create a large but temporary increase in blood sugar levels.
Normally, low GI foods are considered better for health.
A few benefits include: oHigh blood sugar levels are normally associated with diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular problems especially coronary heart disease.
Low GI foods are found to minimize the risk of such diseases.
oSince High GI foods create an immediate rise and fall in blood sugar level, the person feels drained and hungry and tends to eat more even though the body does not need it.
This makes the person overweight over a period of time.
Low GI foods prevent this effect.
oPrevents abnormalities in energy metabolism.
Many athletes and marathon runners are very particular about the GI of their food during any competition and also during training.
High GI foods are beneficial in two cases - when the body requires energy after vigorous exercise or to help a diabetes patient having hypoglycemia.
Vinegar, butter and oil can be added to food to reduce their Glycemic Index.
However, you must choose the correct foods to start with.
Here is a list of GI and associated foods.
oLow GI (less than 55) - Pasta, legumes/pulses, milk oMedium GI (between 56 and 69) - Sweet potato, table sugar oHigh GI (More than 70) - Watermelon, croissant, white bread oGlucose (Benchmark 100) Practically speaking, breakdown of carbohydrates vary from one person to another.
Even for the same person, it may differ from morning to evening.
In addition, the amount of carbohydrates consumed is also important.
However, knowledge of the GI and food stuffs is important for making choices.
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