The procedure of a breast augmentation may vary from one person to another depending on the incision chosen by the patient.
In general the breast augmentation process starts with an incision followed by the creation of a pocket for the breast implant, insertion of the implant itself and finishing of the procedure by closing the incision with stitches.
For starters the incision comes in various forms and sizes.
These breast augmentation incisions can be placed under the fold of the breasts or in the areola.
You can even choose to have the incision made in your navel or under arm area.
From there you can then choose whether you want the incision under the muscle tissue or over it.
Finally it comes down to the implant filling material whether it is silicone, a silicone gel or even saline.
Depending on the incision also determines whether the implant is placed by hand or by an endoscope.
If you choose to go with the under arm or navel incision, the surgeon will make a small incision and create a tunnel in the sift tissue under the skin with an endoscope.
From there using the built in camera technology the surgeon can create the pocket for the implant with the endoscope before placing the implant sack in the pocket.
After the implant sack has been placed in its final location it eh surgeon will fill it with a saline solution.
If you decide to go with an areola incision, the areola will be cut half way around and the implant sack will be positioned either over or under the muscle tissue before being filled with the saline solution.
However if you opt to go with the under the breast fold incision then you will most likely be going with the silicone implant.
In this situation a larger incision will be made and the surgeon will then make the implant pocket by hand before placing the implant either under or over the muscle tissue.
Following the placement and filling of the implant if necessary, the surgeon will the close the incision with stitches.
After this incision is closed, you will be placed under observed recovery for a couple hours until the surgeon deems you clear to go home with you preplanned transportation.
The surgeon will give your transporter a list of things that you must do as well as some prescriptions for both pain medicine as well as antibiotics.
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