Today we will share you information on blood pressure.
you will find frequent information on pharmacy online selling prescription drugs to users however there is little discussion about the disease.
Our mission is to upgrade your knowledge so that before you purchase a medicine through pharmacy online you all the possible facts about your disease.
Here is something that you seldom find in pharmacy online services.
The blood is carried to all the parts of body through the arteries.
This movement of the blood through arteries exerts a force of pressure on their walls.
This exerted pressure is called blood pressure.
The blood pressure is one of the principal vital signs of the body.
During each heart beat, the blood pressure varies when it beats and when at rest.
The pressure exerted is the highest when it pumps the blood, and this is called systolic blood pressure.
When the heart comes to rest after pumping the blood it is this stage where the blood pressure falls down.
This is the diastolic pressure.
There is a decrease in the mean blood pressure, which is due to the pumping of the heart and the resistance of the blood vessels when the blood circulates away from the heart and arteries.
The pressure decreases when in smaller vessels, the small arteries and arterioles.
This continues to decrease as the blood moves through the capillaries and back to the heart through veins.
The bp is evaluated in two numbers, which indicates the pressure in the two different instances.
One is the systolic pressure and the other one is the diastolic pressure.
Both of these are important and co relates to the normal physiology of the blood pressure.
The number that comes first is the systolic pressure, the pressure during the heart contraction which normally is 120 mm hg.
The number that follows is the diastolic, which is 80 mm hg in normal individuals.
Thus the blood pressure is indicated at 120/80, which you say that it is "120 over 80.
" WHAT INFLUENCES THE BLOOD PRESSURE? The physiologic factors that influence the normal bp include the effect of gravity, valves in the veins and the pumping of blood from the skeletal muscle contractions.
Blood pressure also changes during the day and varies with the type of work.
It is lowest during the sleep and rises when awake.
It also can rise when you are excited, nervous, or active.
It varies also in the individual from moments to moments.
Exercise, emotional reactions, digestion and time of day also seems to be affecting the normal values.
There are large variations in the normal bp within individuals and also among different populations.
Factors such as age, gender, height and weight also influences the normal values of the blood pressure.
In older age the systolic blood pressure tends to rise with a fall in the diastolic pressure which is due to reduction in the flexibility of the arteries.
The bp should always be within a normal range around the 120/80 mm hg value.
But if it is higher, say 140/90 or more then it is a warning sign.
This indicates that you might be suffering from hypertension or sustained elevated blood pressure.
The difference in bp of left and right arm also plays a significant role when the difference is more than 10 mmHg, in which case it should be investigated.
The increasing bp tells us that the heart is working harder and is under stress, the arteries are also tense and pressurized.
This also warns us of chances of getting stroke, heart attack.
Kidney problem or else.
it was noted that the bp above 115/75 mmHg tends to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Trials have shown that those who maintain arterial pressures at the lower end of these pressure ranges tends to have a much better long term cardiovascular health.
There is an issue concerning the aggressiveness and relative value of methods used to lower pressures into this range for those who do not maintain such pressure on their own.
There are drugs which can control these elevations when used regularly.
You can find these from your nearest drug stores and even from a pharmacy online.
In case you cannot for consultation from the doctor, it is possible to have a contact from one through telemedicine services (if present locally in your area) or you can ask your pharmacist at any pharmacy online that provide these services regarding your medications.
Elevations in bp are more commonly seen in older people, though often considered normal, are associated with increased morbidity and mortality.
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