Do you have hypertension? Maybe you are taking prescription medication.
There are foods that lower blood pressure, and this works very well when combined with other natural remedies.
Let me give you a little information on controlling blood pressure using all natural methods, and why you should not take prescription drugs.
First of all, if you take medication here are a few things you may not know.
Prescription drugs are often synthetic, and can do more harm than good to your body.
Did you know that they do not treat the cause of hypertension? They only treat the symptoms.
Alpha and beta blockers can cause headache, nausea and even raise your bad cholesterol levels! So, what are some of the foods that lower blood pressure? Here is a short list of foods that are proven to work to lower blood pressure: 1.
Bananas - Rich in potassium, bananas are exceptional for helping reduce your readings.
Chocolate - YES! Dark chocolate has been proven to help hypertension in recent studies.
Celery - You may not be a celery fan, but if you can eat a couple of stalks each day this is very good for blood pressure.
The oils in celery are excellent for your condition.
Salmon - Salmon and other types of fish containing Omega 3 fish oils are some of the best choices you can make when using diet as one way to help lower your blood pressure.
Don't eat these foods more than twice per week because they contain high amounts of mercury.
These are just a few of the foods that lower blood pressure.
There are dozens of other choices, too many to list.
If you are concerned about taking prescription drugs and want to lower your numbers using natural options, it can easily be done.
You really need to combine several methods when controlling hypertension naturally.
Deep breathing, meditation, natural herbal supplements and diet are all good ways to accomplish this.
There is an online guide that is packed full of information to help you reduce your readings to a normal level in just a few days time - WITHOUT medication! This is the best selling guide of all time and it is proven to work.
You need to take a look at it if you are serious about your health.
You can improve your overall health and add years to your life by eliminating prescription drugs.
You can learn all about foods that lower blood pressure and all of the other secret, little known facts about hypertension and how to control it below.
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